
Carlos E. B. Rodrigues

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2EECarlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida, Renata M. C. R. de Souza, Carlos E. B. Rodrigues, Nicomedes L. Cavalcanti Junior: Image Retrieval Using the Curvature Scale Space (CSS) Technique and the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Model under Affine Transforms. HIS 2007: 210-215
1EECarlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida, Renata M. C. R. de Souza, Carlos E. B. Rodrigues, Nicomedes L. Cavalcanti Junior: Image retrieval using the curvature scale space (CSS) technique and the self-organizing map (SOM) model under rotation. ICDIM 2007: 357-361

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida [1] [2]
2Nicomedes L. Cavalcanti Junior [1] [2]
3Renata M. C. R. de Souza [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)