
Cássio L. Rodrigues

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4EECássio L. Rodrigues, Karina R. G. da Silva, Henrique N. Cunha: Improving functional verification of embedded systems using hierarchical composition and set theory. SAC 2009: 1632-1636
3EECássio L. Rodrigues, Paulo E. S. Barbosa, Jairson M. Cabral, Jorge C. A. de Figueiredo, Dalton Serey Guerrero: A Bag-of-Tasks Approach for State Space Exploration Using Computational Grids. SEFM 2006: 226-235
2EEPatrícia D. L. Machado, Elthon A. S. Oliveira, Paulo E. S. Barbosa, Cássio L. Rodrigues: Testing from Structured Algebraic Specifications: The Veritas Case Study. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 130: 235-261 (2005)
1EECássio L. Rodrigues, Dalton Serey Guerrero, Jorge C. A. de Figueiredo: Model checking in object-oriented Petri nets. SMC (5) 2004: 4977-4982

Coauthor Index

1Paulo E. S. Barbosa [2] [3]
2Jairson M. Cabral [3]
3Henrique N. Cunha [4]
4Jorge C. A. de Figueiredo (Jorge Cesar Abrantes de Figueiredo) [1] [3]
5Dalton Serey Guerrero [1] [3]
6Patrícia D. L. Machado [2]
7Elthon A. S. Oliveira [2]
8Karina R. G. da Silva [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)