
Christian Roche

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5 Arne Folkestad, Christian Roche: Deadlock Probability in Unrestricted Wormhole Routing Networks. ICC (3) 1997: 1401-1405
4 Christian Roche, Prasasth Palnati, Mario Gerla, Fabio Neri, Emilio Leonardi: Performance of Congestion Control Mechanisms in Wormhole Routing Networks. INFOCOM 1997: 1365-1372
3 Christian Roche, Nina Taft Plotkin: The Entropy of Cell Streams as a Traffic Descriptor in ATM Networks. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 225-240
2 Christian Roche, Nina Taft Plotkin: The Converging Flows Problem: An Analytical Study. INFOCOM 1995: 32-39
1 Christian Roche, Serge Fdida: A Dynamic Resource Management Mechanism for LAN Interconnections across High-Speed Networks. INFOCOM 1994: 884-891

Coauthor Index

1Serge Fdida [1]
2Arne Folkestad [5]
3Mario Gerla [4]
4Emilio Leonardi [4]
5Fabio Neri [4]
6Prasasth Palnati [4]
7Nina Taft (Nina Taft Plotkin) [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)