
Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr.

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6EEGeorg Böcherer, Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr., Cecilio Pimentel: Capacity of General Discrete Noiseless Channels CoRR abs/0802.2451: (2008)
5EEGeorg Böcherer, Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr., Cecilio Pimentel: Maximum Entropy Rate of Markov Sources for Systems With Non-regular Constraints CoRR abs/0809.1252: (2008)
4EECecilio Pimentel, Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr.: On the Power Spectral Density of Constrained Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(3): 409-416 (2007)
3EEValdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr., Maria de Lourdes M. G. Alcoforado: Trellis Code Construction for the 2-User Binary Adder Channel. ICT 2004: 122-127
2EEValdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr., D. L. de Macêdo: A secret-key cipher based on a non-linear structured code. Computer Communications 22(8): 758-761 (1999)
1 Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr.: Maximum distance separable multilevel codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(3): 547- (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Maria de Lourdes M. G. Alcoforado [3]
2Georg Böcherer [5] [6]
3D. L. de Macêdo [2]
4Cecilio Pimentel [4] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)