
Michel Roch

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5 W. Terry Hewitt, Michel Grave, Michel Roch: Advances in Computer Graphics IV (Tutorials from Eurographics'88 Conf.) Springer 1991
4EEJacques Weber, Pierre-Yves Morgantini, Peter Fluekiger, Michel Roch: Molecular graphics modeling of organometallic reactivity. Computers & Graphics 13(2): 229-235 (1989)
3EEMichel Roch, Jacques Weber, Christian Pellegrini: 3D Images of Molecular Properties by Triangulation of Contour Lines. Comput. Graph. Forum 7(3): 195-201 (1988)
2EEMichel Roch, Jacques Weber: Computer graphics in chemical education and research. Computers & Graphics 11(1): 55-60 (1987)
1 J. J. Combremont, Michel Roch, Jacques Weber: Interactive computer graphics applied to chemistry: experiences and new developments. Comput. Graph. Forum 2(2-3): 89-96 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1J. J. Combremont [1]
2Peter Fluekiger [4]
3Michel Grave [5]
4W. Terry Hewitt [5]
5Pierre-Yves Morgantini [4]
6Christian Pellegrini [3]
7Jacques Weber [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)