
James E. Robertson

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5 Tony M. Carter, James E. Robertson: Radix-16 Signed-Digit Division. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(12): 1424-1433 (1990)
4 Tony M. Carter, James E. Robertson: The Set Theory of Arithmetic Decomposition. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(8): 993-1005 (1990)
3 James E. Robertson: Problems in the physical realization of speed independent circuits FOCS 1961: 106-108
2 Gernot Metze, James E. Robertson: Elimination of carry propagation in digital computers. IFIP Congress 1959: 389-395
1 John W. Carr III, Alan J. Perlis, James E. Robertson, Norman R. Scott: A Visit to Computation Centers in the Soviet Union. Commun. ACM 2(6): 8-20 (1959)

Coauthor Index

1John W. Carr III [1]
2Tony M. Carter [4] [5]
3Gernot Metze [2]
4Alan J. Perlis [1]
5Norman R. Scott [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)