1996 | ||
5 | EE | Hal Berghel, David Roach: An Extension of Ukkonen's Enhanced Dynamic Programming ASM Algorithm. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 14(1): 94-106 (1996) |
1990 | ||
4 | EE | David Roach, Hal Berghel, John R. Talburt: An interactive source commenter for Prolog programs. SIGDOC 1990: 141-145 |
3 | EE | John R. Talburt, David Roach: RAP: relocation allowance planner, a rule-based expert system with self-defining documentation features. SIGDOC 1990: 147-150 |
2 | EE | Hal Berghel, David Roach: Documentation design based upon intuitive feature taxonomy and use logging. SIGDOC 1990: 63-68 |
1 | EE | David Roach, Hal Berghel: The Physiology of PROLOG Expert System Inference Engine. SIGSMALL/PC Symposium 1990: 1-5 |
1 | Hal Berghel | [1] [2] [4] [5] |
2 | John R. Talburt | [3] [4] |