
Alessandra Riva

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3EEAlessandra Riva, Anne-Sophie Carpentier, Bruno Torrésani, Alain Hénaut: Comments on selected fundamental aspects of microarray analysis. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(5): 319-336 (2005)
2EEAnne-Sophie Carpentier, Alessandra Riva, Pierre Tisseur, Gilles Didier, Alain Hénaut: The operons, a criterion to compare the reliability of transcriptome analysis tools: ICA is more reliable than ANOVA, PLS and PCA. Computational Biology and Chemistry 28(1): 3-10 (2004)
1EEAlessandra Riva, Marie-Odile Delorme, Tony Chevalier, Nicolas Guilhot, Corinne Hénaut, Alain Hénaut: The difficult interpretation of transcriptome data: the case of the GATC regulatory network. Computational Biology and Chemistry 28(2): 109-118 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Anne-Sophie Carpentier [2] [3]
2Tony Chevalier [1]
3Marie-Odile Delorme [1]
4Gilles Didier [2]
5Nicolas Guilhot [1]
6Alain Hénaut [1] [2] [3]
7Corinne Hénaut [1]
8Pierre Tisseur [2]
9Bruno Torrésani [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)