
Markus Rittenbruch

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10EEJeremy Yuille, Laurene Vaughan, Markus Rittenbruch, Stephen Viller, Ian MacColl: Spontaneous scenarios: an approach to user engagement. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2109-2112
9EEGregor McEwan, Markus Rittenbruch, Tim Mansfield: Understanding awareness in mixed presence collaboration. OZCHI 2007: 171-174
8EEIan MacColl, Roslyn Cooper, Markus Rittenbruch, Stephen Viller: Watching ourselves watching: ethical issues in ethnographic action research. OZCHI 2005
7EEBettina Törpel, Volkmar Pipek, Markus Rittenbruch: Creating Heterogeneity - Evolving Use of Groupware in a Network of Freelancers. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12(4): 381-409 (2003)
6EETim Mansfield, Markus Rittenbruch, Luke Cole, José Siqueira: The Nexus information hub for exploring social-informational context. ADCS 2002
5EETim Mansfield, Nigel Ward, Markus Rittenbruch, Gregor McEwan, José Siqueira, Anthony Wilkinson: Sharing Social Recommendations: Towards a Social Portal. DCW 2002: 240-251
4EEMarkus Rittenbruch: Atmosphere: A Framework for Contextual Awareness. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 14(2): 159-180 (2002)
3EEBirgit Lemken, Helge Kahler, Markus Rittenbruch: Sustained Knowledge Management by Organizational Culture. HICSS 2000
2 Markus Rittenbruch: Atmosphere: towards context-selective awareness mechanisms. HCI (2) 1999: 328-332
1EEMarkus Rittenbruch, Helge Kahler, Armin B. Cremers: Supporting cooperation in a virtual organization. ICIS 1998: 30-38

Coauthor Index

1Luke Cole [6]
2Roslyn Cooper [8]
3Armin B. Cremers [1]
4Helge Kahler [1] [3]
5Birgit Lemken [3]
6Ian MacColl [8] [10]
7Tim Mansfield [5] [6] [9]
8Gregor McEwan [5] [9]
9Volkmar Pipek [7]
10José Siqueira [5] [6]
11Bettina Törpel [7]
12Laurene Vaughan [10]
13Stephen Viller [8] [10]
14Nigel Ward [5]
15Anthony Wilkinson [5]
16Jeremy Yuille [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)