
N. Rishikesh

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4EEN. Rishikesh, Y. V. Venkatesh: A computational model for the development of simple-cell receptive fields spanning the regimes before and after eye-opening. Neurocomputing 50: 125-158 (2003)
3EEN. Rishikesh, Y. V. Venkatesh: Shape recognition using an invariant pulse code and a hierarchical, competitive neural network. Pattern Recognition 34(4): 841-853 (2001)
2EEY. V. Venkatesh, N. Rishikesh: Self-organizing neural networks based on spatial isomorphism for active contour modeling. Pattern Recognition 33(7): 1239-1250 (2000)
1 N. Rishikesh, Y. V. Venkatesh: Experiments on Three-Dimensional Wire-Frame Object Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 207-210

Coauthor Index

1Y. V. Venkatesh (Yedatore Venkatakrishnaiya Venkatesh) [1] [2] [3] [4]

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