
Christian Rinderknecht

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5EENic Volanschi, Christian Rinderknecht: Unparsed patterns: easy user-extensibility of program manipulation tools. PEPM 2008: 111-121
4EEChristian Rinderknecht: Proving a Soundness Property for the Joint Design of ASN.1 and the Basic Encoding Rules. SAM 2004: 154-170
3EEChristian Rinderknecht: An Algorithm for Validating ASN.1 (X.680) Specifications using Set Constraints. Comput. J. 46(4): 401-420 (2003)
2EEAna R. Cavalli, Bruno Defude, Christian Rinderknecht, Fatiha Zaïdi: A Service-Component Testing Method and a Suitable CORBA Architecture. ISCC 2001: 655-660
1 Ana R. Cavalli, David Lee, Christian Rinderknecht, Fatiha Zaïdi: Hit-or-Jump: An algorithm for embedded testing with applications to IN services. FORTE 1999: 41-56

Coauthor Index

1Ana R. Cavalli [1] [2]
2Bruno Defude [2]
3David Lee [1]
4Nic Volanschi [5]
5Fatiha Zaïdi [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)