
Jean-Jack M. Riethoven

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6EEVincent Le Texier, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Vasudev Kumanduri, Chellappa Gopalakrishnan, Fabrice Lopez, Daniel Gautheret, Thangavel Alphonse Thanaraj: AltTrans: Transcript pattern variants annotated for both alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 169 (2006)
5EEStefan Stamm, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Vincent Le Texier, Chellappa Gopalakrishnan, Vasudev Kumanduri, Yesheng Tang, Nuno L. Barbosa-Morais, Thangavel Alphonse Thanaraj: ASD: a bioinformatics resource on alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 46-55 (2006)
4 Thangavel Alphonse Thanaraj, Stefan Stamm, Francis Clark, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Vincent Le Texier, Juha Muilu: ASD: the Alternative Splicing Database. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 64-69 (2004)
3 Lichun Wang, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Alan J. Robinson: XEMBL: distributing EMBL data in XML format. Bioinformatics 18(8): 1147-1148 (2002)
2 Thangavel Alphonse Thanaraj, Alan J. Robinson, J. Muila, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven: Editorial. Briefings in Bioinformatics 1(4): 324-330 (2000)
1EEF. H. D. van Batenburg, V. Bos, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, J. P. Abrahams, C. Pley: Porting and Optimising Star: A Case Study of Suffering and Surfacing. APL 1992: 265-274

Coauthor Index

1J. P. Abrahams [1]
2Nuno L. Barbosa-Morais [5]
3F. H. D. van Batenburg [1]
4V. Bos [1]
5Francis Clark [4]
6Daniel Gautheret [6]
7Chellappa Gopalakrishnan [5] [6]
8Vasudev Kumanduri [5] [6]
9Fabrice Lopez [6]
10J. Muila [2]
11Juha Muilu [4]
12C. Pley [1]
13Alan J. Robinson [2] [3]
14Stefan Stamm [4] [5]
15Yesheng Tang [5]
16Vincent Le Texier [4] [5] [6]
17Thangavel Alphonse Thanaraj [2] [4] [5] [6]
18Lichun Wang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)