
Felip Riera-Palou

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9EEFelip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias: Improving STBC Performance in IEEE 802.11n Using Group-Orthogonal Frequency Diversity. WCNC 2008: 193-198
8EEFelip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias, Jaume Ramis: On the design of uplink and downlink group-orthogonal multicarrier wireless systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(10): 1656-1665 (2008)
7EEGuillem Femenias, Felip Riera-Palou: Enhancing IEEE 802.11n WLANs using group-orthogonal code-division multiplex. Telecommunication Systems 38(1-2): 37-44 (2008)
6EEGuillem Femenias, Felip Riera-Palou: Enhancing IEEE 802.11n WLANs using group-orthogonal code-division multiplex. PWC 2007: 184-195
5EEJaume Ramis, Loren Carrasco, Guillem Femenias, Felip Riera-Palou: Scheduling algorithms for 4G wireless networks. PWC 2007: 264-276
4EEGuillem Femenias, Felip Riera-Palou, Jaume Ramis: General Analysis of Uplink Group-Orthogonal MC-CDMA systems. VTC Spring 2007: 3101-3105
3EEXusheng Wei, David G. M. Cruickshank, Bernard Mulgrew, Felip Riera-Palou: A Unified Approach to Dynamic Length Algorithms for Adaptive Linear Equalizers. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(3): 908-920 (2007)
2EEFelip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias, Jaume Ramis: BER analysis of group-orthogonal multicarrier code-division multiplex systems. Telecommunication Systems 36(1-3): 97-105 (2007)
1EEFelip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias, Jaume Ramis: Performance of Downlink Group-Orthogonal Multicarrier Systems. PWC 2006: 389-400

Coauthor Index

1Loren Carrasco [5]
2David G. M. Cruickshank [3]
3Guillem Femenias [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Bernard Mulgrew [3]
5Jaume Ramis [1] [2] [4] [5] [8]
6Xusheng Wei [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)