
Constanza Riera

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5EEJoakim Grahl Knudsen, Constanza Riera, Matthew G. Parker, Eirik Rosnes: Adaptive Soft-Decision Iterative Decoding Using Edge Local Complementation. ICMCTA 2008: 82-94
4EEConstanza Riera, Stéphane Jacob, Matthew G. Parker: From graph states to two-graph states. Des. Codes Cryptography 48(2): 179-206 (2008)
3EEConstanza Riera, Matthew G. Parker: One and Two-Variable Interlace Polynomials: A Spectral Interpretation. WCC 2005: 397-411
2EEConstanza Riera, Matthew G. Parker: Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions (I) CoRR abs/cs/0502049: (2005)
1EEConstanza Riera, George Petrides, Matthew G. Parker: Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions (II) CoRR abs/cs/0502050: (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Jacob [4]
2Joakim Grahl Knudsen [5]
3Matthew G. Parker [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4George Petrides [1]
5Eirik Rosnes [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)