2009 |
9 | EE | Peter Gorm Larsen,
John S. Fitzgerald,
Steve Riddle:
Practice-oriented courses in formal methods using VDM++.
Formal Asp. Comput. 21(3): 245-257 (2009) |
2006 |
8 | EE | Paul Arkley,
Steve Riddle,
Tom Brookes:
Tailoring Traceability Information to Business Needs.
RE 2006: 234-239 |
2005 |
7 | EE | Meine van der Meulen,
Steve Riddle,
Lorenzo Strigini,
Nigel Jefferson:
Protective Wrapping of Off-the-Shelf Components.
ICCBSS 2005: 168-177 |
6 | EE | Paul Arkley,
Steve Riddle:
Overcoming the Traceability Benefit Problem.
RE 2005: 385-389 |
5 | EE | Tom Anderson,
Mei Feng,
Steve Riddle,
Alexander Romanovsky:
Error Recovery for a Boiler System with OTS PID Controller.
WORDS 2005: 113-120 |
2003 |
4 | EE | Paul Mason,
Amer Saeed,
Paul Arkley,
Steve Riddle:
Meta-Modelling Approach to Traceability for Avionics: A Framework for Managing the Engineering of Computer Based Aerospace Systems.
ECBS 2003: 233-246 |
3 | EE | Tom Anderson,
Mei Feng,
Steve Riddle,
Alexander B. Romanovsky:
Protective Wrapper Development: A Case Study.
ICCBSS 2003: 1-14 |
2 | EE | Paul Mason,
Amer Saeed,
Steve Riddle:
On the Role of Traceability for Standards Compliance: Tracking Requirements to Code.
SAFECOMP 2003: 303-316 |
2001 |
1 | EE | Peter T. Popov,
Lorenzo Strigini,
Steve Riddle,
Alexander B. Romanovsky:
On Systematic Design of Protectors for Employing OTS Items.
EUROMICRO 2001: 22-29 |