
Pierre-Michel Ricordel

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5EEAntoine Joux, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Frédéric Muller, Pierre-Michel Ricordel: Cryptanalysis of the Tractable Rational Map Cryptosystem. Public Key Cryptography 2005: 258-274
4EEPierre-Michel Ricordel, Yves Demazeau: La plate-forme Volcano - Modularité et réutilisation pour les systèmes multi-agents. Technique et Science Informatiques 21(4): 447-471 (2002)
3EEPierre-Michel Ricordel, Yves Demazeau: Volcano, a Vowels-Oriented Multi-agent Platform. CEEMAS 2001: 253-262
2EEPierre-Michel Ricordel, Yves Demazeau: From Analysis to Deployment: A Multi-agent Platform Survey. ESAW 2000: 93-105
1 Pierre-Michel Ricordel, Sylvie Pesty, Yves Demazeau: About Conversations Between Multiple Agents. CEEMAS 1999

Coauthor Index

1Yves Demazeau [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Antoine Joux [5]
3Sébastien Kunz-Jacques [5]
4Frédéric Muller [5]
5Sylvie Pesty [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)