
Yann Riche

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4EENiklas Elmqvist, Nathalie Henry, Yann Riche, Jean-Daniel Fekete: Melange: space folding for multi-focus interaction. CHI 2008: 1333-1342
3EEYann Riche, Matthew Simpson, Stephen Viller: Zebra: exploring users' engagement in fieldwork. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2008: 50-57
2EEYann Riche, Wendy E. Mackay: MarkerClock: A Communicating Augmented Clock for Elderly. INTERACT (2) 2007: 408-411
1EEYann Riche: PeerCare: Challenging the Monitoring Approach to Eldercare. INTERACT (2) 2007: 628-630

Coauthor Index

1Niklas Elmqvist [4]
2Jean-Daniel Fekete [4]
3Nathalie Henry [4]
4Wendy E. Mackay [2]
5Matthew Simpson [3]
6Stephen Viller [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)