
Jahmeilah Richardson

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2EERuy Cervantes, Jahmeilah Richardson, Bonnie Nardi: "I Am a Black Cat, Letting Day Come and Go": Multimodal Conversations in a Poetry Workshop. HICSS 2009: 1-10
1EEJulie A. Kientz, Rosa I. Arriaga, Marshini Chetty, Gillian R. Hayes, Jahmeilah Richardson, Shwetak N. Patel, Gregory D. Abowd: Grow and know: understanding record-keeping needs for tracking the development of young children. CHI 2007: 1351-1360

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [1]
2Rosa I. Arriaga [1]
3Ruy Cervantes [2]
4Marshini Chetty [1]
5Gillian R. Hayes [1]
6Julie A. Kientz [1]
7Bonnie Nardi [2]
8Shwetak N. Patel (Shwetak Patel) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)