
Myriam Ribière

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7EEIván Cantador, Miriam Fernández, David Vallet, Pablo Castells, Jérôme Picault, Myriam Ribière: A Multi-Purpose Ontology-Based Approach for Personalised Content Filtering and Retrieval. Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization 2008: 25-51
6EEPatricia Charlton, Myriam Ribière: Rich service description for a smarter lifestyle. AAMAS 2003: 512-519
5EEMyriam Ribière, Rose Dieng-Kuntz: A Viewpoint Model for Cooperative Building of an Ontology. ICCS 2002: 220-234
4EERose Dieng, Olivier Corby, Alain Giboin, Myriam Ribière: Methods and tools for corporate knowledge management. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(3): 567-598 (1999)
3EEMyriam Ribière: Using Viewpoints and CG for the Representation and Management of a Corporate Memory in Concurrent Engineering. ICCS 1998: 94-110
2EEMyriam Ribière, Nada Matta: Virtual Enterprise and Corporate Memory. OM 1998
1 Myriam Ribière, Rose Dieng: Introduction of Viewpoints in Conceptual Graph Formalism. ICCS 1997: 168-182

Coauthor Index

1Iván Cantador [7]
2Pablo Castells [7]
3Patricia Charlton [6]
4Olivier Corby [4]
5Rose Dieng (Rose Dieng-Kuntz) [1] [4] [5]
6Miriam Fernández [7]
7Alain Giboin [4]
8Nada Matta [2]
9Jérôme Picault [7]
10David Vallet [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)