
JaeYeol Rheem

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6EEYounjeong Lee, Ki Yong Lee, JaeYeol Rheem: Speaker Identification Based on Subtractive Clustering Algorithm with Estimating Number of Clusters. TSD 2005: 249-256
5EEKi Yong Lee, JaeYeol Rheem: Robust Speech Enhancement Based on NPHMM Under Unknown Noise. Summer School on Neural Networks 2004: 427-431
4EEJongJoo Lee, JaeYeol Rheem, Ki Yong Lee: Robust Speaker Recognition Against Utterance Variations. ICCSA (2) 2003: 624-630
3EEJongJoo Lee, JaeYeol Rheem, Ki Yong Lee: GMM Based on Local Fuzzy PCA for Speaker Identification. IDEAL 2003: 1000-1007
2EEKi Yong Lee, Souhwan Jung, JaeYeol Rheem: Smoothing approach using forward-backward Kalman filter with Markov switching parameters for speech enhancement. Signal Processing 80(12): 2579-2588 (2000)
1 KyungMin Na, JaeYeol Rheem, SouGuil Ann: A Discriminative Training Algorithm for Predictive Neural Network Models. ISCAS 1994: 431-434

Coauthor Index

1SouGuil Ann [1]
2Souhwan Jung [2]
3JongJoo Lee [3] [4]
4Ki Yong Lee [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Younjeong Lee [6]
6KyungMin Na [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)