
Kenneth Revett

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21EEKenneth Revett: Diagnostic Feature Analysis of a Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography Dataset Using Rough Sets. T. Rough Sets 9: 318-327 (2008)
20EEPari Jahankhani, Kenneth Revett, Vassilis Kodogiannis: Data Mining an EEG Dataset With an Emphasis on Dimensionality Reduction. CIDM 2007: 405-412
19EEKenneth Revett, Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães, Henrique M. D. Santos: On the Use of Rough Sets for User Authentication Via Keystroke Dynamics. EPIA Workshops 2007: 145-159
18EEKenneth Revett: On the Use of Rough Sets for Artefact Extraction from EEG Datasets. FBIT 2007: 425-430
17EEKenneth Revett: A Bioinformatics Based Approach to Behavioural Biometrics. FBIT 2007: 665-670
16EEKenneth Revett: Analysis of a Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography Dataset Using Rough Sets. RSEISP 2007: 756-763
15EEKenneth Revett: Examination of the Parameter Space of a Computational Model of Acute Ischaemic Stroke Using Rough Sets. RSKT 2007: 534-541
14EEJosé García Rodríguez, Anastassia Angelopoulou, Alexandra Psarrou, Kenneth Revett: Automatically Building 2D Statistical Shapes Using the Topology Preservation Model GNG. ACCV (1) 2006: 519-528
13EEKenneth Revett, Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães, Henrique M. D. Santos: Enhancing Login Security Through the Use of Keystroke Input Dynamics. ICB 2006: 661-667
12EEKenneth Revett, Marcin S. Szczuka: An Analysis of a Lymphoma/Leukaemia Dataset Using Rough Sets and Neural Networks. ICHIT 2006: 229-239
11EEPari Jahankhani, Vassilis Kodogiannis, Kenneth Revett: EEG Signal Classification Using Wavelet Feature Extraction and Neural Networks. John Vincent Atanasoff Symposium 2006: 120-124
10EEKenneth Revett, Florin Gorunescu, Marius Ene: A Machine Learning Approach to Differentiating Bacterial From Viral Meningitis. John Vincent Atanasoff Symposium 2006: 155-162
9EEKenneth Revett, Marcin S. Szczuka, Pari Jahankhani, Vassilis Kodogiannis: Attribute Selection for EEG Signal Classification Using Rough Sets and Neural Networks. RSCTC 2006: 408-417
8EEAnastassia Angelopoulou, Alexandra Psarrou, José García Rodríguez, Kenneth Revett: Automatic Landmarking of 2D Medical Shapes Using the Growing Neural Gas Network. CVBIA 2005: 210-219
7 Pari Jahankhani, Kenneth Revett, Lynne Spackman, Vassilis S. Kodogiannis, Stewart Boyd: An Automated Anomaly EEG Detection Algorithm using Discrete Wavelet Transforms. IICAI 2005: 2679-2685
6 Kenneth Revett, Aurangzeb Khan: A Rough Sets Based Breast Cancer Decision Support System. METMBS 2005: 315-320
5 Kenneth Revett, Aurangzeb Khan: Classifying Heart Disease Datasets Using Rough Sets. METMBS 2005: 321-325
4EESebastian Widz, Kenneth Revett, Dominik Slezak: A Rough Set-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Partial Volume Detection System. PReMI 2005: 756-761
3EESebastian Widz, Kenneth Revett, Dominik Slezak: A Hybrid Approach to MR Imaging Segmentation Using Unsupervised Clustering and Approximate Reducts. RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 372-382
2EEAhmed Ejaz, Kenneth Revett: Utilizing Staging Tables in Data Integration to Load Data into Materialized Views. CIS 2004: 685-691
1EESebastian Widz, Kenneth Revett, Dominik Slezak: An Automated Multi-spectral MRI Segmentation Algorithm Using Approximate Reducts. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 815-824

Coauthor Index

1Anastassia Angelopoulou [8] [14]
2Stewart Boyd [7]
3Ahmed Ejaz [2]
4Marius Ene [10]
5Florin Gorunescu [10]
6Pari Jahankhani [7] [9] [11] [20]
7Aurangzeb Khan [5] [6]
8Vassilis S. Kodogiannis (Vassilis Kodogiannis, V. S. Kodogiannis) [7] [9] [11] [20]
9Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães [13] [19]
10Alexandra Psarrou [8] [14]
11José García Rodríguez [8] [14]
12Henrique M. D. Santos [13] [19]
13Dominik Slezak [1] [3] [4]
14Lynne Spackman [7]
15Marcin S. Szczuka [9] [12]
16Sebastian Widz [1] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)