
Daniel Retkowitz

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6EEDaniel Retkowitz, Monika Pienkos: Ontology-based configuration of adaptive smart homes. ARM 2008: 11-16
5EEDaniel Retkowitz, Mark Stegelmann: Dynamic Adaptability for Smart Environments. DAIS 2008: 154-167
4 Thomas Heer, Daniel Retkowitz, Bodo Kraft: Incremental Ontology Integration. ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 13-20
3EEThomas Heer, Daniel Retkowitz, Bodo Kraft: Algorithm and Tool for Ontology Integration Based on Graph Rewriting. AGTIVE 2007: 577-582
2EEBodo Kraft, Daniel Retkowitz: Graph Transformations for Dynamic Knowledge Processing. HICSS 2006
1EEUlrich Norbisrath, Ibrahim Armac, Daniel Retkowitz, Priit Salumaa: Modeling eHome systems. MPAC 2006: 4

Coauthor Index

1Ibrahim Armac [1]
2Thomas Heer [3] [4]
3Bodo Kraft [2] [3] [4]
4Ulrich Norbisrath [1]
5Monika Pienkos [6]
6Priit Salumaa [1]
7Mark Stegelmann [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)