
Erika Reponen

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6EEErika Reponen: Live @ Dublin - Mobile Phone Live Video Group Communication Experiment. EuroITV 2008: 133-142
5EEMark A. M. Kramer, Erika Reponen, Marianna Obrist: MobiMundi: exploring the impact of user-generated mobile content -- the participatory panopticon. Mobile HCI 2008: 575-577
4EEErika Reponen, Pertti Huuskonen, Kristijan Mihalic: Primary and secondary context in mobile video communication. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(4): 281-288 (2008)
3EEErika Reponen, Jaakko Lehikoinen, Jussi Impiö: Mobile Phone Video Camera in Social Context. HCI (2) 2007: 460-469
2EEErika Reponen, Kristijan Mihalic: Model of primary and secondary context. CAI 2006: 37-38
1EEErika Reponen, Pertti Huuskonen, Kristijan Mihalic: Mobile video recording in context. Interactions 13(4): 28-30 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Pertti Huuskonen [1] [4]
2Jussi Impiö [3]
3Mark A. M. Kramer [5]
4Jaakko Lehikoinen [3]
5Kristijan Mihalic [1] [2] [4]
6Marianna Obrist [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)