
Jacques Renaud

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10EEFabien Cornillier, Gilbert Laporte, Fayez F. Boctor, Jacques Renaud: The petrol station replenishment problem with time windows. Computers & OR 36(3): 919-935 (2009)
9EEFabien Cornillier, Fayez F. Boctor, Gilbert Laporte, Jacques Renaud: A heuristic for the multi-period petrol station replenishment problem. European Journal of Operational Research 191(2): 295-305 (2008)
8EEJean Philippe Gagliardi, Jacques Renaud, Angel Ruiz: A simulation model to improve warehouse operations. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 2012-2018
7EEMarc-André Carle, Jacques Renaud, Angel Ruiz: Fast and efficient methods for industrial floor assembly. Computers & OR 34(4): 1051-1060 (2007)
6EEMarie-Claude Bolduc, Jacques Renaud, Fayez F. Boctor: A heuristic for the routing and carrier selection problem. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 926-932 (2007)
5EEFayez F. Boctor, Gilbert Laporte, Jacques Renaud: Heuristics for the traveling purchaser problem. Computers & OR 30(4): 491-504 (2003)
4EEJacques Renaud, Fayez F. Boctor, Gilbert Laporte: Perturbation heuristics for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem. Computers & OR 29(9): 1129-1141 (2002)
3EEFayez F. Boctor, Jacques Renaud: The column-circular, subsets-selection problem: complexity and solutions. Computers & OR 27(4): 383-398 (2000)
2EEJacques Renaud, Fayez F. Boctor, Jamal Ouenniche: A heuristic for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem. Computers & OR 27(9): 905-916 (2000)
1EEJacques Renaud, Gilbert Laporte, Fayez F. Boctor: A tabu search heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Computers & OR 23(3): 229-235 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Fayez F. Boctor [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [10]
2Marie-Claude Bolduc [6]
3Marc-André Carle [7]
4Fabien Cornillier [9] [10]
5Jean Philippe Gagliardi [8]
6Gilbert Laporte [1] [4] [5] [9] [10]
7Jamal Ouenniche [2]
8Angel Ruiz [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)