
Christophe René

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6EETsunehiko Kamachi, Thierry Priol, Christophe René: Data Distribution for Parallel CORBA Objects. Euro-Par 2000: 1239-1250
5 Christophe René, Thierry Priol, Guillaume Alléon: Code Coupling using Parallel CORBA Objects. The Architecture of Scientific Software 2000: 105-118
4 Christophe René, Thierry Priol: MPI code encapsulating using parallel CORBA object. Cluster Computing 3(4): 255-263 (2000)
3EEChristophe René, Thierry Priol: MPI Code Encapsulating using Parallel CORBA Object. HPDC 1999
2 Thierry Priol, Christophe René, Guillaume Alléon: Programming SCI Clusters Using Parallel CORBA. Scalable Coherent Interface 1999: 333-348
1EEThierry Priol, Christophe René: Cobra: A CORBA-compliant Programming Environment for High-Performance Computing. Euro-Par 1998: 1114-1122

Coauthor Index

1Guillaume Alléon [2] [5]
2Tsunehiko Kamachi [6]
3Thierry Priol [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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