
Andreas Reifert

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4EEMarc C. Necker, Martin Köhn, Andreas Reifert, Joachim Scharf, Jörg Sommer: Optimized Frame Packing for OFDMA Systems. VTC Spring 2008: 1483-1488
3EEMarcus Kessler, Andreas Reifert, Dominik Lamp, Thomas Voith: A service-oriented infrastructure for providing virtualized networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 13(3): 111-127 (2008)
2EEMichael Menth, Andreas Reifert, Jens Milbrandt: Self-Protecting Multipaths - A Simple and Resource-Effcient Protection Switching Mechanism for MPLS Networks. NETWORKING 2004: 526-537
1EEMichael Menth, Andreas Reifert, Jens Milbrandt: CSPF Routed and Traffic-Driven Construction of LSP Hierarchies. Art-QoS 2003: 234-251

Coauthor Index

1Marcus Kessler [3]
2Martin Köhn [4]
3Dominik Lamp [3]
4Michael Menth [1] [2]
5Jens Milbrandt [1] [2]
6Marc C. Necker [4]
7Joachim Scharf [4]
8Jörg Sommer [4]
9Thomas Voith [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)