2009 |
4 | EE | Anshu Dubey,
Lynn B. Reid,
K. Weide,
Katie Antypas,
Murali Ganapathy,
Katherine Riley,
Daniel J. Sheeler,
A. Siegal:
Extensible Component Based Architecture for FLASH, A Massively Parallel, Multiphysics Simulation Code
CoRR abs/0903.4875: (2009) |
2008 |
3 | EE | Lorin Hochstein,
Forrest Shull,
Lynn B. Reid:
The role of MPI in development time: a case study.
SC 2008: 34 |
2 | EE | Robert T. Fisher,
Leo P. Kadanoff,
Don Q. Lamb,
Anshu Dubey,
Tomasz Plewa,
Alan Calder,
Fausto Cattaneo,
Peter Constantin,
Ian T. Foster,
Michael E. Papka,
Snezhana I. Abarzhi,
Shimon M. Asida,
Paul M. Rich,
Chad C. Glendenin,
Katie Antypas,
Daniel J. Sheeler,
Lynn B. Reid,
Brad Gallagher,
Shawn G. Needham:
Terascale turbulence computation using the FLASH3 application framework on the IBM Blue Gene/L system.
IBM Journal of Research and Development 52(1-2): 127-136 (2008) |
2006 |
1 | | Katie Antypas,
Alan Calder,
Anshu Dubey,
Robert Fisher,
Murali Ganapathy,
Brad Gallagher,
Lynn B. Reid,
Katherine Riley,
Daniel J. Sheeler,
Noel Taylor:
Scientific Applications on the Massively Parallel BG/L Machine.
PDPTA 2006: 292-298 |