
Loretta Guarino Reid

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4EEJoshua M. Hailpern, Loretta Guarino Reid, Richard Boardman, Srinivas Annam: Web 2.0: blind to an accessible new world. WWW 2009: 821-830
3EELoretta Guarino Reid, Andi Snow-Weaver: WCAG 2.0: a web accessibility standard for the evolving web. W4A 2008: 109-115
2EEAndres Gonzalez, Loretta Guarino Reid: Platform-independent accessibility API: accessible document object model. W4A 2005: 63-71
1 Loretta Guarino Reid, Philip L. Karlton: A File System Supporting Cooperation between Programs. SOSP 1983: 20-19

Coauthor Index

1Srinivas Annam [4]
2Richard Boardman [4]
3Andres Gonzalez [2]
4Joshua M. Hailpern [4]
5Philip L. Karlton [1]
6Andi Snow-Weaver [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)