
Christian Rehtanz

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4EEHorst F. Wedde, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christian Rehtanz, Olav Krause: Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems and Beyond: A Vision of Future Road Vehicle Management. SEAA 2008: 401-408
3EECarsten Leder, Christian Rehtanz: Electric Power System's Stability Assessment and Online-Provision of Control Actions Using Self-Organizing Maps. IWANN (2) 2001: 704-710
2EEChristian Rehtanz, Carsten Leder: Stability assessment of electric power systems using growing neural gas and self-organizing maps. ESANN 2000: 401-406
1 Edmund Handschin, Dietmar Kuhlmann, Christian Rehtanz: Visualization and Analysis of Voltage Stability Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks. ICANN 1997: 1113-1118

Coauthor Index

1Edmund Handschin [1]
2Olav Krause [4]
3Dietmar Kuhlmann [1]
4Carsten Leder [2] [3]
5Sebastian Lehnhoff [4]
6Horst F. Wedde (Horst Wedde) [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)