2008 | ||
6 | EE | M. R. Cerioli, L. Faria, T. O. Ferreira, Carlos A. J. Martinhon, Fábio Protti, B. Reed: Partition into cliques for cubic graphs: Planar case, complexity and approximation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(12): 2270-2278 (2008) |
1999 | ||
5 | EE | B. Reed: Introducing Directed Tree Width. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 3: 222-229 (1999) |
1993 | ||
4 | Kyriakos Kilakos, B. Reed: Fractionally colouring total graphs. Combinatorica 13(4): 435-440 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
3 | Vasek Chvátal, B. Reed: Mick Gets Some (the Odds Are on His Side) FOCS 1992: 620-627 | |
1987 | ||
2 | EE | B. Reed: A semi-strong Perfect Graph theorem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 43(2): 223-240 (1987) |
1985 | ||
1 | EE | B. Reed: A note on the semi-strong perfect graph conjecture. Discrete Mathematics 54(1): 111-112 (1985) |
1 | M. R. Cerioli | [6] |
2 | Vasek Chvátal | [3] |
3 | L. Faria | [6] |
4 | T. O. Ferreira | [6] |
5 | Kyriakos Kilakos | [4] |
6 | Carlos A. J. Martinhon | [6] |
7 | Fábio Protti | [6] |