
Rudolph N. Rechtschaffen

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3EEPhilip G. Emma, Joshua W. Knight, James H. Pomerence, Thomas R. Puzak, Rudolph N. Rechtschaffen: Simulation and analysis of a pipeline processor. Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 1047-1057
2 Kimming So, Rudolph N. Rechtschaffen: Cache Operations by MRU Change. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(6): 700-709 (1988)
1 Rudolph N. Rechtschaffen: Queuing Simulation Using a Random Number Generator. IBM Systems Journal 11(3): 255-271 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Philip G. Emma [3]
2Joshua W. Knight [3]
3James H. Pomerence [3]
4Thomas R. Puzak [3]
5Kimming So [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)