
Eliseo Berni Reategui

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9EEEliseo Berni Reategui, Cláudia Zattera: Do learning styles influence the way students perceive interface agents? IHC 2008: 108-116
8EEEliseo Berni Reategui, Elisa Boff, John A. Campbell: Using virtual characters in personalized recommendations. SIGCSE 2007: 180-184
7EEEliseo Berni Reategui, Elisa Boff, John A. Campbell: Endowing a Virtual Character with Personalization Capabilities. ICTAI 2006: 220-224
6EESílvio César Cazella, Eliseo Berni Reategui, Luis Otávio Campos Alvares: E-commerce recommenders' authority: applying the user's opinion relevance in recommender systems. WebMedia 2006: 71-78
5 Eliseo Berni Reategui, John A. Campbell, Beatriz F. Leão: A Case-Based Model that Integrates Specific and General Knowledge in Reasoning. Appl. Intell. 7(1): 79-90 (1997)
4 Eliseo Berni Reategui, John A. Campbell, Beatriz F. Leão: Combining a neural network with case-based reasoning in a diagnostic system. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 9(1): 5-27 (1997)
3 Mara Abel, Eliseo Berni Reategui, José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho, John A. Campbell: Evaluating Case-Based Reasoning in a Geological Domain DEXA 1995: 364-373
2 Eliseo Berni Reategui, John A. Campbell, Shirley Borghetti: Using a Neutral Network to Learn General Knowledge in a Case-Based System. ICCBR 1995: 528-537
1 Eliseo Berni Reategui, John A. Campbell: A Classification System for Credit Card Transactions. EWCBR 1994: 280-291

Coauthor Index

1Mara Abel [3]
2Luis Otávio Alvares (Luis Otávio Campos Alvares) [6]
3Elisa Boff [7] [8]
4Shirley Borghetti [2]
5John A. Campbell [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
6José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho [3]
7Sílvio César Cazella [6]
8Beatriz F. Leão [4] [5]
9Cláudia Zattera [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)