
Mohsen Razzaghi

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10EEYadollah Ordokhani, Mohsen Razzaghi: Solution of nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations via a collocation method and rationalized Haar functions. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(1): 4-9 (2008)
9EEMajid Jaberi Douraki, Mehdi Dehghan, Mohsen Razzaghi: On the higher order rational recursive sequence xn=(A/nn-k) + (B/xn-3k). Applied Mathematics and Computation 173(2): 710-723 (2006)
8EEMehdi Dehghan, Majid Jaberi Douraki, Mohsen Razzaghi: Global stability of a higher order rational recursive sequence. Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(1): 161-174 (2006)
7EEMajid Jaberi Douraki, Mehdi Dehghan, Mohsen Razzaghi: Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of a class of higher order nonlinear recursive sequences. Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(1): 175-189 (2006)
6EEMehdi Tatari, Mehdi Dehghan, Mohsen Razzaghi: Determination of a time-dependent parameter in a one-dimensional quasi-linear parabolic equation with temperature overspecification. Int. J. Comput. Math. 83(12): 905-913 (2006)
5EEMajid Jaberi Douraki, Mehdi Dehghan, Mohsen Razzaghi: The qualitative behavior of solutions of a nonlinear difference equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(1): 485-502 (2005)
4EEAbbas Saadatmandi, Mohsen Razzaghi, Mehdi Dehghan: Hartley series approximations for the parabolic equations. Int. J. Comput. Math. 82(9): 1149-1156 (2005)
3EEAbbas Saadatmandi, Mohsen Razzaghi: A tau method approach for the diffusion equation with nonlocal boundary conditions. Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(11): 1427-1432 (2004)
2EEB. Sepehrian, Mohsen Razzaghi: State Analysis of Time-Varying Singular Bilinear Systems by Single-Term Walsh Series. Int. J. Comput. Math. 80(4): 413-418 (2003)
1EEMohsen Razzaghi, Yadollah Ordokhani: A Rationalized Haar Functions Method for Nonlinear Fredholm-hammerstein Integral Equations. Int. J. Comput. Math. 79(3): 333-343 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Mehdi Dehghan [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Majid Jaberi Douraki [5] [7] [8] [9]
3Yadollah Ordokhani [1] [10]
4Abbas Saadatmandi [3] [4]
5B. Sepehrian [2]
6Mehdi Tatari [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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