
Darrell R. Raymond

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14 Darrell R. Raymond, Derick Wood, Sheng Yu: Automata Implementation, First International Workshop on Implementing Automata, WIA '96, London, Ontario, Canada, August 29-31, 1996, Revised Papers Springer 1997
13 Darrell R. Raymond: WIA and the Practice of Theory in Computer Science. Workshop on Implementing Automata 1996: 1-5
12 Unni Astad, Frank R. Safayeni, Darrell R. Raymond: An experimental study of a gestalt based database for mug shots. INTERACT 1995: 225-230
11EEDarrell R. Raymond: Grail: a C++ library for finite-state machines and regular expressions. CASCON 1994: 60
10 Darrell R. Raymond, Derick Wood: Grail: A C++ Library for Automata and Expressions. J. Symb. Comput. 17(4): 341-350 (1994)
9EEFrank Wm. Tompa, G. Elizabeth Blake, Darrell R. Raymond: Hypertext by Link-Resolving Components. Hypertext 1993: 118-130
8EEDarrell R. Raymond: Evolutions in typesetting systems. CASCON 1992: 19-28
7 Darrell R. Raymond: Flexible Text Display with Lector. IEEE Computer 25(8): 49-60 (1992)
6EEDarrell R. Raymond: Reading source code. CASCON 1991: 3-16
5 Darrell R. Raymond: Characterizing Visual Languages. VL 1991: 176-182
4EEDarrell R. Raymond, Heather J. Fawcett: Playing detective with full text searching software. SIGDOC 1990: 157-166
3 Darrell R. Raymond, Alberto J. Cañas, Frank Wm. Tompa, Frank R. Safayeni: Measuring the Effectiveness of Personal Database Structures. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 31(3): 237-256 (1989)
2 Darrell R. Raymond, Frank Wm. Tompa: Hypertext and the Oxford English Dictionary. Commun. ACM 31(7): 871-879 (1988)
1EEDarrell R. Raymond, Frank Wm. Tompa: Hypertext and the New Oxford English Dictionary. Hypertext 1987: 143-153

Coauthor Index

1Unni Astad [12]
2G. Elizabeth Blake [9]
3Alberto J. Cañas [3]
4Heather J. Fawcett [4]
5Frank R. Safayeni [3] [12]
6Frank Wm. Tompa [1] [2] [3] [9]
7Derick Wood [10] [14]
8Sheng Yu [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)