
K. Ravikumar

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4EEU. Varshney, K. Ravikumar: Simulation-based evaluation of transactions support for group-oriented mobile commerce. IJMC 5(5): 528-539 (2007)
3EEC. V. L. Raju, Y. Narahari, K. Ravikumar: Learning dynamic prices in electronic retail markets with customer segmentation. Annals OR 143(1): 59-75 (2006)
2EEAseem Agrawal, Jayanta Basak, Vivek Jain, Ravi Kothari, Manoj Kumar, Parul A. Mittal, Natwar Modani, K. Ravikumar, Yogish Sabharwal, R. Sureka: Online marketing research. IBM Journal of Research and Development 48(5-6): 671-678 (2004)
1EEC. V. L. Raju, Y. Narahari, K. Ravikumar: Reinforcement Learning Applications in Dynamic Pricing of Retail Markets. CEC 2003: 339-346

Coauthor Index

1Aseem Agrawal [2]
2Jayanta Basak [2]
3Vivek Jain [2]
4Ravi Kothari [2]
5Manoj Kumar [2]
6Parul A. Mittal [2]
7Natwar Modani [2]
8Y. Narahari (Yadati Narahari) [1] [3]
9C. V. L. Raju [1] [3]
10Yogish Sabharwal [2]
11R. Sureka [2]
12U. Varshney [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)