
Sylvain Rault

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9EEElodie Lescot, Ronan Bureau, Jana Sopkova-de Oliveira Santos, Christophe Rochais, Vincent Lisowski, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Sylvain Rault: 3D-QSAR and Docking Studies of Selective GSK-3beta Inhibitors. Comparison with a Thieno[2, 3-b]pyrrolizinone Derivative, a New Potential Lead for GSK-3beta Ligands. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 45(3): 708-715 (2005)
8EEAlban Lepailleur, Ronan Bureau, Magalie Paillet-Loilier, Frédéric Fabis, Nicolas Saettel, Stéphane Lemaître, François Dauphin, Aurélien Lesnard, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Sylvain Rault: Molecular Modeling Studies Focused on 5-HT7 versus 5-HT1A Selectivity. Discovery of Novel Phenylpyrrole Derivatives with High Affinity for 5-HT7 Receptors. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 45(4): 1075-1081 (2005)
7EEAlban Lepailleur, Ronan Bureau, Stéphane Lemaître, François Dauphin, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Vincent Contesse, Sébastien Lenglet, Catherine Delarue, Hubert Vaudry, Sylvain Rault: Molecular Design Based on 3D Pharmacophores. Applications to 5-HT7 Receptors. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(3): 1148-1152 (2004)
6EERonan Bureau, Cyril Daveu, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Sylvain Rault: Molecular Design Based on 3D-Pharmacophore. Application to 5-HT Subtypes Receptors. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(2): 429-436 (2002)
5EERonan Bureau, Cyril Daveu, Stéphane Lemaître, François Dauphin, Henriette Landelle, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Sylvain Rault: Molecular Design Based on 3D-Pharmacophore. Application to 5-HT4 Receptor. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(4): 962-967 (2002)
4EEBertrand Cuissart, Frédérique Touffet, Bruno Crémilleux, Ronan Bureau, Sylvain Rault: The Maximum Common Substructure as a Molecular Depiction in a Supervised Classification Context: Experiments in Quantitative Structure/Biodegradability Relationships. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(5): 1043-1052 (2002)
3EERonan Bureau, Cyril Daveu, Isabelle Baglin, Jana Sopkova-de Oliveira Santos, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Sylvain Rault: Association of Two 3D QSAR Analyses. Application to the Study of Partial Agonist Serotonin-3 Ligands. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(3): 815-823 (2001)
2EECyril Daveu, Ronan Bureau, Isabelle Baglin, Hervé Prunier, Jean-Charles Lancelot, Sylvain Rault: Definition of a Pharmacophore for Partial Agonists of Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptors. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 39(2): 362-369 (1999)
1 Sylvain Rault, Ronan Bureau, Juan Carlos Pilo, Max Robba: Comparative molecular field analysis of CCK-A antagonists using field-fit as an alignment technique. A convenient guide to design new CCK-A ligands. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 6(6): 553-568 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Isabelle Baglin [2] [3]
2Ronan Bureau [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Vincent Contesse [7]
4Bruno Crémilleux [4]
5Bertrand Cuissart [4]
6François Dauphin [5] [7] [8]
7Cyril Daveu [2] [3] [5] [6]
8Catherine Delarue [7]
9Frédéric Fabis [8]
10Jean-Charles Lancelot [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
11Henriette Landelle [5]
12Stéphane Lemaître [5] [7] [8]
13Sébastien Lenglet [7]
14Alban Lepailleur [7] [8]
15Elodie Lescot [9]
16Aurélien Lesnard [8]
17Vincent Lisowski [9]
18Magalie Paillet-Loilier [8]
19Juan Carlos Pilo [1]
20Hervé Prunier [2]
21Max Robba [1]
22Christophe Rochais [9]
23Nicolas Saettel [8]
24Jana Sopkova-de Oliveira Santos [3] [9]
25Frédérique Touffet [4]
26Hubert Vaudry [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)