
Pauline Ratnasingham

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9EEPauline Ratnasingham, Kuldeep Kumar: Trading partner trust in electronic commerce participation. ICIS 2000: 544-552
8EEPauline Ratnasingham: Implicit trust in the risk assessment process of EDI. Computers & Security 18(4): 317-321 (1999)
7EEPauline Ratnasingham: Risks in low trust among trading partners in electronic commerce. Computers & Security 18(7): 587-592 (1999)
6EED. Sandy Staples, Pauline Ratnasingham: Trust: the panacea of virtual management? ICIS 1998: 128-144
5EEPauline Ratnasingham: EDI security: The influences of trust on EDI risks. Computers & Security 17(4): 313-324 (1998)
4EEPauline Ratnasingham: Internet-based EDI trust and security. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 6(1): 33-39 (1998)
3EEPauline Ratnasingham: Trust in Web-based electronic commerce security. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 6(4): 162-166 (1998)
2EEPauline Ratnasingham: EDI security - re-evaluation of controls and its implications on the organizations. Computers & Security 16(8): 650-656 (1997)
1EEPauline Ratnasingham: EDI security: a model of EDI risks and associated controls. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 5(2): 63-71 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Kuldeep Kumar [9]
2D. Sandy Staples [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)