
Amrit K. Rao

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3 Amrit K. Rao, Yvonne Karanas, Gregory M. Galdino, Sabine Girod: Three-dimensional Photography for calculating per- and post-operative volume in breast surgery. CARS 2003: 1355
2 Michael Meehan, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Torsten Rohlfing, Ramin Shahidi, Amrit K. Rao, Sabine Girod: Virtual 3D planning and guidance of mandibular distraction osteogenesis. CARS 2003: 382-388
1 Amrit K. Rao, Kevin Montgomery, W. Paul Brown, Eric Herbranson: 3-D interactive atlas of human tooth anatomy. CARS 2003: 93-98

Coauthor Index

1W. Paul Brown [1]
2Gregory M. Galdino [3]
3Sabine Girod [2] [3]
4Eric Herbranson [1]
5Yvonne Karanas [3]
6Calvin R. Maurer Jr. [2]
7Michael Meehan [2]
8Kevin Montgomery [1]
9Torsten Rohlfing [2]
10Ramin Shahidi [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)