
Yves Rangoni

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5EEAbdel Belaïd, Yves Rangoni: Structure Extraction in Printed Documents Using Neural Approaches. Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition 2008: 21-43
4EEAbdel Belaïd, Yves Rangoni, I. Falk: XML Data Representation in Document Image Analysis. ICDAR 2007: 78-82
3EEYves Rangoni, Abdel Belaïd: Document Logical Structure Analysis Based on Perceptive Cycles. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 117-128
2EEYves Rangoni, Abdel Belaïd: Data categorization for a context return applied to logical document structure recognition. ICDAR 2005: 297-301
1EEAbdel Belaïd, I. Turcan, Jean-Marie Pierrel, Yolande Belaïd, Yves Rangoni, Hassen Hadjamar: Automatic Indexing and Reformulation of Ancient Dictionaries. DIAL 2004: 342-354

Coauthor Index

1Abdel Belaïd [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Yolande Belaïd [1]
3I. Falk [4]
4Hassen Hadjamar [1]
5Jean-Marie Pierrel [1]
6I. Turcan [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)