
Sylvain Rampacek

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5EERadu Mateescu, Sylvain Rampacek: Formal Modeling and Discrete-Time Analysis of BPEL Web Services. CIAO! / EOMAS 2008: 179-193
4EETarek Melliti, Céline Boutrous-Saab, Sylvain Rampacek: Verifying Correctness of Web Services Choreography. ECOWS 2006: 306-318
3 Serge Haddad, Patrice Moreaux, Sylvain Rampacek: Client Synthesis for Web Services by Way of a Timed Semantics. ICEIS (4) 2006: 19-26
2EESerge Haddad, Patrice Moreaux, Sylvain Rampacek: A Formal Semantics and a Client Synthesis for a BPEL Service. ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2006: 388-401
1 Serge Haddad, Tarek Melliti, Patrice Moreaux, Sylvain Rampacek: Modelling Web Services Interoperability. ICEIS (4) 2004: 287-295

Coauthor Index

1Céline Boutrous-Saab [4]
2Serge Haddad [1] [2] [3]
3Radu Mateescu [5]
4Tarek Melliti [1] [4]
5Patrice Moreaux [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)