
Rameshsharma Ramloll

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9 Rameshsharma Ramloll, Jaishree Beedasy, Beth H. Stamm, Neill Piland, Barbara Cunningham, Anne Kirkwood, Phil Massad, Russ Spearman, Arvind Patel, Rick Tivis, Cyndy Kelchner: Distance Learning and Simulation Technologies to Support Bioterrorism Preparedness Education. Computers and Their Applications 2006: 235-241
8EERameshsharma Ramloll, Cheryl Trepagnier, Marc M. Sebrechts, Andreas Finkelmeyer: A gaze contingent environment for fostering social attention in autistic children. ETRA 2004: 19-26
7EERameshsharma Ramloll, Cheryl Trepagnier, Marc M. Sebrechts, Jaishree Beedasy: Gaze Data Visualization Tools: Opportunities and Challenge. IV 2004: 173-180
6EERameshsharma Ramloll, Stephen A. Brewster: A generic approach for augmenting tactile diagrams with spatial non-speech sounds. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 770-771
5EERameshsharma Ramloll, Stephen A. Brewster: An Environment for Studying the Impact of Spatialising Sonified Graphs on Data Comprehension. IV 2002: 167-174
4EERameshsharma Ramloll, Darren Mowat: Wayfinding in Virtual Environments Using an Interactive Spatial Cognitive Map. IV 2001: 574-583
3EERameshsharma Ramloll, Wai Yu, Stephen A. Brewster, Beate Riedel, Mike Burton, Gisela Dimigen: Constructing sonified haptic line graphs for the blind student: first steps. ASSETS 2000: 17-25
2EEWai Yu, Rameshsharma Ramloll, Stephen A. Brewster: Haptic Graphs for Blind Computer Users. Haptic Human-Computer Interaction 2000: 41-51
1EERameshsharma Ramloll, John A. Mariani: Moksha: exploring ubiquity in event filtration-control at the multi-user desktop. WACC 1999: 207-216

Coauthor Index

1Jaishree Beedasy [7] [9]
2Stephen A. Brewster [2] [3] [5] [6]
3Mike Burton [3]
4Barbara Cunningham [9]
5Gisela Dimigen [3]
6Andreas Finkelmeyer [8]
7Cyndy Kelchner [9]
8Anne Kirkwood [9]
9John A. Mariani [1]
10Phil Massad [9]
11Darren Mowat [4]
12Arvind Patel [9]
13Neill Piland [9]
14Beate Riedel [3]
15Marc M. Sebrechts [7] [8]
16Russ Spearman [9]
17Beth H. Stamm [9]
18Rick Tivis [9]
19Cheryl Trepagnier [7] [8]
20Wai Yu [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)