
K. S. Raman

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11EEXinwei Wang, Michael T. K. Tan, Kwok Kee Wei, K. S. Raman: The development of an augmented constrained-efficiency framework for the adoption of electronic interorganizational governance. ECIS 2004
10EEHuixian Li, John Lim, K. S. Raman: An exploratory case study on IS implementation and organizational change in China. ECIS 2003
9EEMichael T. K. Tan, K. S. Raman, Kwok Kee Wei: Implementing inter-organizational systems (IOS) for strategic advantage: a value-flow framework. ECIS 2003
8EEWei Huang, Kwok Kee Wei, Bernard C. Y. Tan, K. S. Raman: Why Does a GSS Fail to Enhance Group Consensus and Satisfaction? An Investigation from An Influence Process Perspective. HICSS (2) 1997: 104-113
7 Philip Ein-Dor, Michael D. Myers, K. S. Raman: IT Industry Success in Small Developed Countries. ICIS 1994: 461
6 Richard T. Watson, Teck Hua Ho, K. S. Raman: Culture: A Fourth Dimension of Group Support. Commun. ACM 37(10): 44-55 (1994)
5 Chee-Sing Yap, James Y. L. Thong, K. S. Raman: Government incentives and small business computerisation: An empirical study. ECIS 1993: 198-212
4 Bradley C. Wheeler, Izak Benbasat, Nancy Paule Melone, K. S. Raman: The Right Research Task: A Critical Look at the Tradeoffs of Experimental Task Diversity in IS Research. ICIS 1993: 400-401
3 Wei Huang, K. S. Raman, Kwok Kee Wei: A Process Study of Effects of GSS and Task Type on Informational and Normative Influence in Small Groups. ICIS 1993: 91-101
2 Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Donald J. McCubbrey, K. S. Raman: Cross-Cultural Research in IS. ICIS 1992: 296
1EETeck Hua Ho, K. S. Raman, Richard T. Watson: Group decision support systems: the cultural factor. ICIS 1989: 119-129

Coauthor Index

1Izak Benbasat [4]
2Niels Bjørn-Andersen [2]
3Philip Ein-Dor [7]
4Teck Hua Ho [1] [6]
5Wei Huang [3] [8]
6Huixian Li [10]
7John Lim [10]
8Donald J. McCubbrey [2]
9Nancy Paule Melone [4]
10Michael D. Myers [7]
11Bernard C. Y. Tan [8]
12Michael T. K. Tan [9] [11]
13James Y. L. Thong [5]
14Xinwei Wang [11]
15Richard T. Watson [1] [6]
16Kwok Kee Wei [3] [8] [9] [11]
17Bradley C. Wheeler [4]
18Chee-Sing Yap [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)