
Balakrishnan Ramadoss

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8EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar: Modeling the Dance Video Semantics using Regular Tree Automata. Fundam. Inform. 86(1-2): 175-189 (2008)
7EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar: Semi-automated Annotation and Retrieval of Dance Media Objects. Cybernetics and Systems 38(4): 349-379 (2007)
6EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar: Semi-automatic annotation and MPEG-7 authoring of dance videos. CIKM 2006: 878-879
5EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar: Generic Modeling and Annotation of the Dance Video Semantics. CIT 2006: 123
4EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar: Modeling the Dance Video Annotations. ICDIM 2006: 145-150
3EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, Kannan Rajkumar: Modelling and Querying the Expressive Semantics of Dance Videos. JIKM 5(3): 193-210 (2006)
2EEKannan Rajkumar, Balakrishnan Ramadoss, Krishnamurthi Ilango: An Approach for Conceptual Modeling and Extracting Expressive Semantics from Dance Videos. CIT 2004: 1-10
1EEBalakrishnan Ramadoss, S. R. Balasundaram: Aspects of Pervasive Computing for Web Based Learning. CIT 2004: 419-425

Coauthor Index

1S. R. Balasundaram [1]
2Krishnamurthi Ilango [2]
3Kannan Rajkumar [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)