
Satheesh Ramachandran

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6 Perakath C. Benjamin, Satheesh Ramachandran, Madhav Erraguntla: Towards a Method for Ontology Driven Systems Reengineering (ODSR). IC-AI 2005: 143-150
5EESatheesh Ramachandran, Dursun Delen: Performance analysis of a kitting process in stochastic assembly systems. Computers & OR 32: 449-463 (2005)
4 Perakath C. Benjamin, Paul Koola, Satheesh Ramachandran, Richard J. Mayer: Threat Identification and Prediction System (TIPS). IKE 2004: 20-27
3 Perakath C. Benjamin, Satheesh Ramachandran: Toolkit for Agent-Based Knowledge Extraction (TAKE). IKE 2003: 417-421
2 Satheesh Ramachandran, Madhav Erraguntla, Perakath C. Benjamin: A Knowledge Based Framework for The Design of Soft-Computing Systems. Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 129-140
1EESatheesh Ramachandran: Formal Knowledge Engineering Methods for Knowledge Discovery. JIKM 1(2): 141-154 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Perakath C. Benjamin [2] [3] [4] [6]
2Dursun Delen [5]
3Madhav Erraguntla [2] [6]
4Paul Koola [4]
5Richard J. Mayer [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)