
Indra Rajasingh

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8EEPaul D. Manuel, Mostafa I. Abd-El-Barr, Indra Rajasingh, Bharati Rajan: An efficient representation of Benes networks and its applications. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(1): 11-19 (2008)
7EEPaul Manuel, Bharati Rajan, Indra Rajasingh, Chris Monica M.: On minimum metric dimension of honeycomb networks. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(1): 20-27 (2008)
6 Paul Manuel, Indra Rajasingh, Bharati Rajan, Albert Muthumalai: On Induced Matching Partitions of Certain Interconnection Networks. FCS 2006: 57-63
5 S. Arumugam, Indra Rajasingh, P. Roushini Leely Pushpam: On Graphs Whose Acyclic Graphoidal Covering Number Is One Less Than Its Cyclomatic Number. Ars Comb. 72: (2004)
4EEIndra Rajasingh, Albert William, Jasintha Quadras, Paul Manuel: Embedding of cycles and wheels into arbitrary trees. Networks 44(3): 173-178 (2004)
3EEPaul Manuel, Bharati Rajan, Indra Rajasingh, Amutha Alaguvel: Tree Spanners, Cayley Graphs, and Diametrically Uniform Graphs. WG 2003: 334-345
2EEAlbert William, Indra Rajasingh, Jasintha Quadras, Paul Manuel: Embedding of Generalized Wheels into Arbitrary Trees. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 228-231 (2003)
1EES. Arumugam, Indra Rajasingh, P. Roushini Leely Pushpam: Graphs whose acyclic graphoidal covering number is one less than its maximum degree. Discrete Mathematics 240(1-3): 231-237 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Mostafa I. Abd-El-Barr [8]
2Amutha Alaguvel [3]
3S. Arumugam [1] [5]
4Chris Monica M. [7]
5Paul Manuel [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
6Paul D. Manuel [8]
7Albert Muthumalai [6]
8P. Roushini Leely Pushpam [1] [5]
9Jasintha Quadras [2] [4]
10Bharati Rajan [3] [6] [7] [8]
11Albert William [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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