
Umesh Rajashekar

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4EEUmesh Rajashekar, Ian van der Linde, Alan C. Bovik, Lawrence K. Cormack: GAFFE: A Gaze-Attentive Fixation Finding Engine. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(4): 564-573 (2008)
3EEUmesh Rajashekar, Ian van der Linde, Alan C. Bovik, Lawrence K. Cormack: Foveated Analysis and Selection of Visual Fixations in Natural Scenes. ICIP 2006: 453-456
2 Umesh Rajashekar, Lawrence K. Cormack, Alan C. Bovik: Image features that draw fixations. ICIP (3) 2003: 313-316
1EEUmesh Rajashekar, Lawrence K. Cormack, Alan C. Bovik: Visual search: structure from noise. ETRA 2002: 119-123

Coauthor Index

1Alan C. Bovik [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Lawrence K. Cormack [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Ian van der Linde [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)