
K. B. Raja

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5EET. H. Manjula Devi, Pooja P. Shenoy, Swathi Saigali, Harsha Mathew, K. B. Raja, K. R. Venugopal, Lalit M. Patnaik: Extracting hidden image using histogram, DFT and SVM. Bangalore Compute Conf. 2009: 26
4EEC. R. Prashanth, S. P. Ganavi, T. D. Mahalakshmi, K. B. Raja, K. R. Venugopal, Lalit M. Patnaik: Iris feature extraction using directional filter bank for personal identification. Bangalore Compute Conf. 2009: 6
3EEA. C. Ramachandra, K. Pavithra, K. Yashasvini, K. B. Raja, K. R. Venugopal, Lalit M. Patnaik: Offline signature authentication using cross-validated graph matching. Bangalore Compute Conf. 2009: 7
2EEK. B. Raja, S. Sindhu, T. D. Mahalakshmi, S. Akshatha, B. K. Nithin, M. Sarvajith, K. R. Venugopal, Lalit M. Patnaik: Robust image adaptive steganography using integer wavelets. COMSWARE 2008: 614-621
1EEK. B. Raja, Kiran Kumar K., Satish Kumar N., M. S. Lakshmi, H. Preeti, K. R. Venugopal, Lalit M. Patnaik: Genetic Algorithm Based Steganography Using Wavelets. ICISS 2007: 51-63

Coauthor Index

1S. Akshatha [2]
2T. H. Manjula Devi [5]
3S. P. Ganavi [4]
4Kiran Kumar K. [1]
5M. S. Lakshmi [1]
6T. D. Mahalakshmi [2] [4]
7Harsha Mathew [5]
8Satish Kumar N. [1]
9B. K. Nithin [2]
10Lalit M. Patnaik [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
11K. Pavithra [3]
12C. R. Prashanth [4]
13H. Preeti [1]
14A. C. Ramachandra [3]
15Swathi Saigali [5]
16M. Sarvajith [2]
17Pooja P. Shenoy [5]
18S. Sindhu [2]
19K. R. Venugopal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
20K. Yashasvini [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)