
Malek Rahoual

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3EEMalek Rahoual, Riad Hadji, Vincent Bachelet: Parallel Ant System for the Set Covering Problem. Ant Algorithms 2002: 262-267
2EEEl-Ghazali Talbi, Malek Rahoual, Mohamed Hakim Mabed, Clarisse Dhaenens: A Hybrid Evolutionary Approach for Multicriteria Optimization Problems: Application to the Flow Shop. EMO 2001: 416-428
1 Malek Rahoual: Application of a Genetic Algorithm to the Static Scheduling of Processes on a Parallel Architecture. PDPTA 1997: 932-

Coauthor Index

1Vincent Bachelet [3]
2Clarisse Dhaenens (Clarisse Dhaenens-Flipo) [2]
3Riad Hadji [3]
4Mohamed Hakim Mabed [2]
5El-Ghazali Talbi [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)