
Jörg Rahmer

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3EEAndreas Böhm, Roland Schmitz, Stefan Uellner, Wolfgang Orth, Jörg Rahmer: A Reference Model for Model-Based Configuration of Telecooperation Systems. HICSS (5) 1998: 432-
2 Werner Emde, Jörg Rahmer, Angi Voß, Christian Beilken, Josef Börding, Wolfgang Orth, Ulrike Petersen, Jörg Walter Schaaf, Michael Spenke, Stefan Wrobel: Interactive Configuration in KIKon. XPS 1997: 79-91
1 Jörg Rahmer, Angi Voß: Case-Enhanced Configuration by Resource Balancing. EWCBR 1996: 339-353

Coauthor Index

1Christian Beilken [2]
2Andreas Böhm [3]
3Josef Börding [2]
4Werner Emde [2]
5Wolfgang Orth [2] [3]
6Ulrike Petersen [2]
7Jörg Walter Schaaf [2]
8Roland Schmitz [3]
9Michael Spenke [2]
10Stefan Uellner [3]
11Angi Voß (Angi Voss) [1] [2]
12Stefan Wrobel [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)