
Wolfgang Radinger

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6 Wolfgang Radinger, Martin Jandl: Internet Programming Languages. The Industrial Information Technology Handbook 2005: 1-12
5EEMartin Jandl, M. Alber, Wolfgang Radinger, Karl M. Göschka: Experiences in Integration and Reuse of CORBA-Interfaced Software with Directory Services and Web Services. HICSS 2004
4 Wolfgang Radinger, Martin Jandl, Alexander Szep, Karl M. Göschka: A Generic Approach for a CORBA-LDAP Gateway Implementation for Enterprise Telecommunication Systems. Applied Informatics 2003: 1127-1132
3EEWolfgang Radinger, Karl M. Göschka: Agile software development for component based software engineering. OOPSLA Companion 2003: 300-301
2EEMartin Jandl, Wolfgang Radinger, Alexander Szep, Karl M. Göschka: Enterprise application integration by means of a generic CORBA LDAP gateway. ICSE 2002: 711
1EEKarl M. Göschka, Jürgen Falb, Wolfgang Radinger: Database Access with HTML and Java - A Comparison Based on Practical Experiences. COMPSAC 1998: 588-595

Coauthor Index

1M. Alber [5]
2Jürgen Falb [1]
3Karl M. Göschka (Karl M. Goeschka) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Martin Jandl [2] [4] [5] [6]
5Alexander Szep [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)